Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cruelty Knows No Bounds

Nomar Knight is the guest poet in my Nightmares today.  More of his work can be viewed on his blog, Knight Chills.  If you haven't checked it out yet, or are not familiar with Nomar Knight, I suggest you do so immidiately, as you are missing out on a great poet and author.  Suggested Reading for you is his dark romance series Burning Love.  Nomar is currently working on a his novel, Darkness Roams.

Cruelty Knows No Bounds

By Nomar Knight

It's true that cruelty knows no bounds

While flickering flames make horrid sounds

Your quiet sobs of unbridled remorse

Makes me wish you had stayed the course

A leap of fear drew you to me

Avoidance of fire an impossibility

For either way you failed the task

Next time do try to ask

If I save myself from fire

Will it calm chilling desire

But if I don't survive the fall

Am I entitled to have a ball

The stench of death clings to your hair

Although you do not reek of despair

Taking your life I must confide

Is still viewed as suicide

So suffer my wrath until you break

For your tainted soul is what's at stake

Welcome Oblivion's cold embrace

And watch how I steal your face

For I am Oscuro the Suicide King

Won't make you bow or kiss my ring

Through torment depression will

Bathe you in darkness until you're still
copyright 2011 Nomar Knight.  Nomar Knight has granted Jezri's Nightmares non exclusive rights to publish.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jezri, you keep this up and I'll have to declare a holiday in your name over here. Thank you for the warmest of words and your amazing kindness.

    Oscuro is my main character in my WIP DARKNESS ROAMS. I can't wait for you to officially meet him. Take care, my friend. :-)
