Friday, July 15, 2011


Okay, I am cheating. This week’s Vamplit Friday Flash theme is space so I am recycling something I wrote a while back. I have added to it some. The characters in this story are friends that belong to a yahoo group I run called Deep Space Nine. In all honesty, most of us have gone our separate ways and the group is silent. A few of us keep in touch on facebook, so I will leave this story as an open call to those missing members…if you hear my cry for help as the Borg attack the station, please return and assist!

To those of you not of our crew, I hope you enjoy this tale.

By Lisa McCourt Hollar

Jezri Dax sat up in her bed, in her own quarters. Breathing heavily, covered in perspiration, she called for the computer to turn on the lights.

"A dream," she muttered to herself. "It was just a dream."

Knowing she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, Jezri dressed and headed out into the corridor. It was empty.....

“Hello?” Jezri looked up and down the corridor of the station she had only taken command of a few months ago. No one was about, even though at this time of day the station would be bustling with activity. It was a busy space station that overlooked the only stable wormhole in the galaxy.

Jezri found the quiet disturbing.  She’d had a dream that the station had come under the attack of the Borg, a race they hadn’t encountered for some time, but was always a worry in the back of her mind, perhaps because she’d had a lover once that had succumbed to the Borg. Well, it wasn’t Jezri’s lover, but one of Dax’s previous hosts, but it still haunted her, the memory of the attack, V’Raul’s capture, how he had almost killed her once his transformation was complete…it was all there in her memories, even if they weren’t her own.

Turning, Jezri began walking again, heading for the Promenade. There were always people there, but this time, the Promenade was eerily empty. Where was everyone? She looked in sickbay. Surely Dr. Bronny or Nurse Barbara Hannah would be attending to some medical crisis, but sickbay was dead empty.

Next she checked Moogies. There were always people there, having a good time, losing their latinum and giving the rest to Moogie for a drink...but Moogies was empty...even the small Ferengi woman was absent.

Captain Dax found herself on the turbo lifts, heading for ops. She touched the badge that she wore, and called for Security Chief Sebastian. No answer. The lift doors opened and she stepped out, into Ops. No one was there, even though she knew they should be. Where was Sam? Trudi? They should be here, helping to keep things running. Without anyone in Ops, Deep Space Nine was just an empty shell, not a station on the edge of the frontier.

"Where is everyone?" Jezri shouted, to the empty air. No one answered.

Turning in a circle, Jezri looked bewildered and then stopped, a look of horror crossing her face. She looked towards the view screen, telling herself that she wasn't seeing what she saw. She closed her eyes, counted to 10, and then opened them again. It was still there...a Borg Cube, floating outside the station. Then she heard the voices, many of them...legions, and among them, she heard her crew....Resistance is futile... Jezri opened up her mouth and screamed.....

Jezri Dax sat up in her bed, in her own quarters. Breathing heavily, covered in perspiration, she called for the computer to turn on the lights.

"A dream," she muttered to herself. "It was just a dream."

Knowing she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, Jezri dressed and
headed out into the corridor. It was empty.....


  1. you know you really are a gifted writer.
    YOu put a spin on sci fi and make it your own.
    Very imaginative and good!

  2. Loved the story! I found myself right there with Dax and I felt alone! Enjoyed.

  3. I love this! A dream which ends and turns into reality! Deja vu big time!


  4. Captain Dax!
    That was awesome!! Even though I can't say I'd fancy being taken and assimilated by those scary Borgs.

