It was storming outside. Zara looked out the window and the
darkened sky. When she’d arrived at the cabin, less than an hour ago, the sky
had been clear and sunny. That was before she’d jumped in the shower. Lightning
flashed across the sky, followed by a loud boom of thunder. In the brief moment
that the sky was lit, Zara saw that the road was completely washed out. Pulling
the towel off her head, she threw it across the room, where it landed in the
corner, next to her suitcase. Her long hair draped her shoulders, a tangled
mess. Just like her night.
“So much for my date with Joe, I doubt he can even make it
here. Not in that fancy, new sports car of his.”
As if to confirm her prediction, her cell phone rang.
Pulling it out of her purse she saw Joe’s sexy face staring back at her.
“Roads are washed out, babe. I don’t think I can make it
“Yeah, I know. I
don’t recall seeing rain in the forecast.”
“There’s always tomorrow. We have all weekend.”
Zara’s heart ached. They never got enough time with each
other. A weekend here, a weekend there, and this weekend was already being cut
short. It wasn’t often Joe was able to get away. His bitch wife saw to that.
“You’re right, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Ending the call, Zara flopped on the bed. She flipped on the
television… static. Then the lights flickered and went out.
She lay there in the dark, wondering if there were candles
in the cabin and where they would be at. Deciding the kitchen was her best bet,
Zara carefully climbed out of bed and slowly made her way across the room. She
thought the kitchen was to the right of the bedroom, but she wasn’t positive.
She’d never been here before. Joe was always careful about making sure they
never met in the same place twice. Usually it was some unexceptional motel
room. The cabin was a surprise for their one year anniversary.
Zara rummaged around in the kitchen, feeling in drawers and
cupboards. Finally her fingers closed around something that felt like a candle.
Running her fingers across the bottom of the drawer, she searched for the
matches that had to be there. Finally! She struck the match and lit the candle.
There was an empty candleholder in the drawer as well. Carrying it back to the
bedroom, she set it on the dresser. Lightning lit the room again, silhouetting
a figure against the window. Zara jumped, almost dropping the candle. Lightning
flashed again and the image was gone.
“I must be imagining things.”
Her cell phone rang. Thinking it was Joe, she answered
without looking at the caller ID. The voice on the other end came out
distorted. “You’re going to die bitch.”
“Who is this?”
The phone was silent. Zara looked at the caller ID. It only
showed an area code. A few minutes later the sound of glass breaking was heard
in the kitchen. Zara’s heart nearly burst out of her chest. She picked the candle
back up. Stopping by the fireplace, she grabbed a poker. Her fingers were
shaking and she nearly dropped it. The metal rod clanked loudly against the
“Breathe, Zara,” she said, taking a few minutes to collect
her nerves. One of the things Joe had insisted on, was that she take
self-defense classes. She knew how to handle an intruder. In theory. “Okay,
Cautiously she made her way to the kitchen. Finally there,
she summoned her courage and looked into the room. The window above the sink
was broken. There was a huge tree branch sticking through, obviously the cause
of the damage.
“What a scaredy cat,” she chided herself. “Well, not much I
can do about this tonight. I doubt I can even move the tree… and I’m not going
out in this rain anyway.”
“She turned, heading back to the bedroom when her phone rang
again. She looked and saw the same 3 numbers. Answering it, she said, “Leave me
alone,” and then hung up. A few seconds later her phone chimed again, this time
a text message.
Shame about the
window. I wouldn’t count on Joe to fix it.
The hair on the back of her neck was standing up. Quickly
she dialed Joe’s number. Behind her a phone began to ring. She recognized Joe’s
“Joe, what the hell! Are you trying to scare me?” She turned
to confront her lover, only to see another familiar figure behind her. She’d
only seen Joe’s wife in pictures, he kept one on his desk. This woman was
older, her hair gray instead of the red that the picture showed. She also had
darker eyes… almost manic.
“Karen?” Zara backed towards the bedroom. She still had the
fireplace poker in her hand. She raised it, ready to fight the bitch. Karen
raised her hands too. Zara hadn’t noticed them before now, she’d been focused on
the crazy in the woman’s eyes. Now she saw that she held a butchers knife in
one hand and Joe’s head in the other.
Zara opened her mouth to scream as the woman advanced.
“I told you, you were going to die.”
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